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क्या होगा शिक्षकों व अन्य सरकारी कर्मियों का वेतन इस नए सातवें वेतन आयोग लागू होने पर, जानिए इस नए कैलकुलेटर से

7th pay commission calculator
BP = PBP * 2.57
GrP = BP + PGP
GTGP = GrP + ( PBP * 0.2355 )
PBP = Present Basic Pay
BP = New Basic Pay
PGP = Present Grade Pay
GrP = New Gross Pay
TGP = New Gross Pay with
HRA house rent allowance (HRA
TPT transport (TPT)
DA dearness allowance (DA

For example if your are primary school teacher in government Parishadiya school then your approximately expected
salary will be as are following
Basic pay scale – 9300-34800,
Present Grade pay PGP 4200 ,
HRA in Rural area – 670
PBP= 9300+34800=13500
BP= PBP * 2.57 => 13500*2.57 =34695
GrP = BP + PGP => 34695+
4200 = 38895
GTGP = GrP + ( PBP * 0.2355 ) + ( PGP * 0.2355 ) + 12160
=>38895+(13500*0.2355) =42074

Few expert are calculating new salary as are following
प्राइमरी शिक्षक का नया वेतन
9300+4200= 13500
13500×2.62= 35370(35400लगभग)
35400 रुपये बेसिक सेलरी हो जाएगी ।
अभी DA है 119%
100% DA हर नये वेतनमान मेँ
समाप्त हो जाता है ।
119-100 =19% नया DA
35400 का 19% = 6726
ग्रामीण HRA 8% है
35400×8 = 2832
कुल वेतन = 35400+6726+2832= 44958 होगा ।

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