Uttar Pradesh Exam Regulatory Authority is all set to conduct the UPTET 2021 examination on January 23, 2022. Admit cards for the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) 2021 exam will be released on January 12, 2022 on the official website updeled.gov.in. However, the state is currently reporting a surge in COVID-19 cases. To curb the spread of the virus, the state has decided on shutting-down schools up to Class 10 up to January 14, 2022. More curbs are on the way as the state reports an increasing amount of daily COVID-19 infections.
Against this backdrop of events, candidates are questioning the possibility of UPTET 2021 getting postponed a second time, due to the dire prevailing circumstances in the country.
UPTET 2021 New Exam, Admit Card Download Dates
After the controversy and paper leak scandal that happened in November 2021, the state exam regulatory authority decided on rescheduling the UPTET 2021 examination to January 23, 2022. To appear for this exam, candidates are expected to download fresh admit cards from January 12, 2022. The previously-issued admit cards will be considered null and void for the upcoming exam.
UP Weekend Lockdown
Although the UPTET 2021 examination is scheduled for two weeks’ time, one cannot deny the possibility of the test being postponed yet again. In fact, the state has imposed several restrictions and curbs such as shutting down schools for Class 1-10, night curfew from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am from January 06 to 14, 2022.
Will UPTET 2021 be postponed again?
If the cases continue to increase, the state may impose more curbs. In case this happens, the UPTET 2021 examination may get postponed indefinitely till the situation stabilises. Of course, this is just speculation and the authorities are yet to confirm or reject this possibility. Candidates are advised to keep track of the official portal for any updates in this regard.
UPTET 2021 – Changes Introduced After Paper Leak
The state examination authority has introduced certain changes in the examination system to avoid any further controversy or paper leaks. For example, the question paper, copy and answer sheet will be packed in separate envelopes for each student. Furthermore, these will be non-touchable packets to avoid any hampering with the papers. There are also conjectures about the question paper being linked to each candidate’s aadhar card for maximum security. In simple terms, several measures are being taken to conduct this exam without any issues or misconduct.
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