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12 October ko court no 5 me hui sunwai ka order : 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों की भर्ती Latest News

yeh wahi contempt h jis hme niyukti ki gai h. ... 
Court No. - 5 Case :- CONTEMPT APPLICATION(CIVIL) No. - 3677 of 2015

Applicant :- Deepak SharmaOpposite Party :- Sri Hira Lal Gupta,Prin. Sec. Basic Edu. And Anr.Counsel for Applicant :- Shailendra,GirishChandraCounsel for Opposite Party :- S.C.,B.P.SinghHon'ble Vivek Kumar Birla,J.Heard learned counsel for the applicantand learned counsel for the oppositeparty.This contempt application has been filedfor punishing the opposite party forwillful disobedience of the order dated29.5.2014 passed by this Court in Writ-ANo. 28686 of 2014 (Brahm Dev Yadavand others vs. State of U.P. and others)by which the writ petition was disposedof with the following observation :-"In the facts and circumstances of thecase, the writ petition is disposed ofwith a direction to respondents-Competent Authority(ies) to completeprocess of making actual appointmentswithin a period of two months from thedate of production of a certified copy ofthis order before concerned appointingauthorities; and, ensure that appointedpersons join their respective postswithin a further period of fifteen daysand primary institutions startsfunctioning in the next session, i.e., fromJuly, 2014 and onwards, which would bein large public interest."It appears even after service of the orderof this Court, no decision was taken bythe opposite party and the applicant wascompelled to file Contempt Application(Civil) No3677 of 2015(Deepak SharmaVs. Hira Lal Gupta and others) in whichtwo months' further time was granted tocomply the order dated 29.5.2014.When nothing was done, the presentcontempt application was filed in whichnotices were issued and the oppositeparties were required to remain presentbefore this Court to show cause byappearing in person as to why charge benot framed for punishing him underSection 12 of Contempt of Courts Actfor willful disobedience of the orderdated 29.5.2014 passed by this Court inWrit-A No. 28686 of 2014 (Brahm DevYadav and others vs. State of U.P. andothers).In pursuance of the order dated24.9.2015, a supplementary affidavit ofcompliance today.Shri Shailendra, learned counsel for theapplicant has not disputed the same.Opposite party No. 2, Shri Sanjay Sinha,Secretary, U.P. Basic Shiksha Parishad,Allahabad is present today.Notices issued to the opposite partiesare hereby discharged.Contempt petition is consigned torecord.Order Date :- 12.10.2015
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