72825 primary teachers Bharti 4th counseling
starts today and will be continued till 14 January 2015. Basic Shiksha Vibhag
is conducting the 4th counseling to fill up the 13755 vacant seats
of primary teacher and all male & female candidates who have been skipped
in earlier counseling due to low cut off they all have a good chance to get their
counseling done.
राज्य शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद (एससीईआरटी) ने काउंसलिंग के लिए जारी मेरिट व रिक्त पदों का ब्यौरा को वेबसाइट पर अपलोड कर दिया है। इसके मुताबिक 13,755 पद रिक्त बताए गए हैं।
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सरकारी नौकरी - Government of India Jobs Originally published for http://e-sarkarinaukriblog.blogspot.com/ Submit & verify Email for Latest Free Jobs Alerts Subscribe
राज्य शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद (एससीईआरटी) ने काउंसलिंग के लिए जारी मेरिट व रिक्त पदों का ब्यौरा को वेबसाइट पर अपलोड कर दिया है। इसके मुताबिक 13,755 पद रिक्त बताए गए हैं।
All candidates are searching for the no. of vacant seats/
rikta pad in UPET 72825 primary teachers counseling. They all are informed that
a big chance for becoming primary teacher they have because 13755 post of prt
are still vacant.
Vacant seats in 72825 4th counseling, remaining
seats in 4th counseling, rekta pado ki sankhaya in uptet 72825 4th
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सरकारी नौकरी - Government of India Jobs Originally published for http://e-sarkarinaukriblog.blogspot.com/ Submit & verify Email for Latest Free Jobs Alerts Subscribe