UPTET 2017 के परिणाम में फिर हो सकता है उलटफेर
मा0 उच्च न्यायालय के डबल बैंच के फैसले को मा0 सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने किया निरस्त
राज्य सरकार द्वारा सभी प्रभावित पक्षों को प्रतिवादी नहीं बनाए जाने को माना गया गलत
अब सभी प्रभावितों को प्रतिवादी बनाते हुए डबल बैंच में पुनः होगी सुनवाई
डबल बैंच के फैसले के अधीन होगी 68500 शिक्षक भर्ती
मा0 उच्च न्यायालय में सिंगल जज द्वारा UPTET 2017 के 14 प्रश्नों को गलत
माना गया एवं इसके आधार पर संशोधित परिणाम जारी करने एवं तब तक शिक्षक
भर्ती परीक्षा रोके जाने का आदेश दिया, आदेश दिनाँक 06/03/2018 का
कार्यकारी भाग देखें :-
"95. A writ of mandamus is issued commanding the Secretary,
Examination Regulatory Authority to make a fresh evaluation of all
the answer sheets of the candidates by deleting 14 questions, as
stated in para 85 and 86 of this order from the total questions of
question papers. The Secretary, Examination Regulatory Authority
shall declare the results on the basis of the above direction as
expeditiously as possible, preferably within a period of one month
and thereafter the examination of The Assistant Teacher
Recruitment Examination, 2018 shall be conducted. It is needless to
direct that till the completion of aforesaid exercise the examination of The Assistant Teacher Recruitment Examination, 2018 be
postponed for further date."
Examination Regulatory Authority to make a fresh evaluation of all
the answer sheets of the candidates by deleting 14 questions, as
stated in para 85 and 86 of this order from the total questions of
question papers. The Secretary, Examination Regulatory Authority
shall declare the results on the basis of the above direction as
expeditiously as possible, preferably within a period of one month
and thereafter the examination of The Assistant Teacher
Recruitment Examination, 2018 shall be conducted. It is needless to
direct that till the completion of aforesaid exercise the examination of The Assistant Teacher Recruitment Examination, 2018 be
postponed for further date."
उपरोक्त सिंगल जज के फैसले को राज्य सरकार द्वारा डबल बैंच में चुनौती दी गयी, इस पर सुनवाई करते हुए डबल बैंच द्वारा सिंगल जज के आर्डर को आंशिक रूप से निरस्त कर दिया और मात्र
3 प्रश्नों को गलत मानते हुए UPTET 2017 का परिणाम घोषित करने का आदेश
दिया, सम्बन्धित आदेश दिनाँक 17/4/2018 का कार्यकारी भाग देखें:-
इसके उपरांत कुछ ऐसे प्रभावित पक्ष जिन्हें राज्य सरकार द्वारा डबल
बैंच में अपील फ़ाइल करते समय पार्टी नहीं बनाया गया था उन्होंने मा0 उच्चतम
न्यायालय में अपील दायर की। उनकी सुनवाई करते हुए मा0 उच्चतम न्यायालय ने
सम्बन्धित प्रभावितों को प्रतिवादी न बनाये जाने को गलत माना, एवं डबल बैंच
के फैसले को निरस्त करते हुए सभी प्रभावितों को पार्टी बनाते हुए पुनः
सुनवाई का आदेश दिया। साथ ही शिक्षक भर्ती (68500) को उस होने वाली सुनवाई
के अधीन कर दिया। मा0 उच्चतम न्यायालय का आदेश दिनाँक 26/10/2018 देखें:-
"The appellants before us filed a writ petition which was
allowed by the learned Single Judge vide judgment and order dated
Feeling aggrieved by the judgment and order passed by the
learned Single Judge, the State of U.P. preferred an appeal only in
one of the writ petitions out of a batch of writ petitions.
In the appeal, the State of U.P. did not make the present
appellants as respondents although they were vitally affected
having succeeded before the learned Single Judge. Despite this,
the matter was heard by the Division Bench of the High Court in the
absence of the appellants. Vide judgment and order dated
17.04.2018, the order passed by the learned Single Judge was partly
set aside.
Since the appellants were vitally affected in the matter, they
should have been made parties in the appeal before the Division
Bench. In any event, the appellants were entitled to be heard by the Division Bench having succeeded before the learned Single
Under these circumstances, we set aside the impugned judgment
and order passed by the High Court and remand the matter to the
Division Bench of the High Court for reconsideration on merits.
The appellants will be made party - respondents in the High Court.
Any appointment(s) made will be subject to the outcome of the
decision rendered by the Division Bench of the High Court.
The civil appeals stand disposed of."
allowed by the learned Single Judge vide judgment and order dated
Feeling aggrieved by the judgment and order passed by the
learned Single Judge, the State of U.P. preferred an appeal only in
one of the writ petitions out of a batch of writ petitions.
In the appeal, the State of U.P. did not make the present
appellants as respondents although they were vitally affected
having succeeded before the learned Single Judge. Despite this,
the matter was heard by the Division Bench of the High Court in the
absence of the appellants. Vide judgment and order dated
17.04.2018, the order passed by the learned Single Judge was partly
set aside.
Since the appellants were vitally affected in the matter, they
should have been made parties in the appeal before the Division
Bench. In any event, the appellants were entitled to be heard by the Division Bench having succeeded before the learned Single
Under these circumstances, we set aside the impugned judgment
and order passed by the High Court and remand the matter to the
Division Bench of the High Court for reconsideration on merits.
The appellants will be made party - respondents in the High Court.
Any appointment(s) made will be subject to the outcome of the
decision rendered by the Division Bench of the High Court.
The civil appeals stand disposed of."
इस मामले को पुनः डबल बैंच में भेजे जाने का आधार कोई आर्डर में कमी होना न
होकर केवल कुछ सम्बन्धित पक्षों का प्रतिवादी न बनाया जाना है। अब जब नए
प्रतिवादी बनेंगे और फिर से सुनवाई होगी तो कुछ नए बिंदु उभर कर आ सकते हैं
लेकिन प्रश्नों के सही-गलत होने पर विस्तृत चर्चा डबल बैंच में पहले ही कि
जा चुकी है इसलिए उन्ही बिंदुओं पर फिर से सुनवाई होने पर कोई बहुत बड़ा
फेर बदल होने की संभावना कम ही लगती है। इसलिए अगर कोई फेर बदल नहीं होता
है तो 68500 शिक्षक भर्ती पर भी पुनः डबल बैंच में होने वाली सुनवाई का कोई
असर नहीं पड़ेगा। बाकी अंतिम रूप से क्या होगा यह उच्च न्यायालय में डबल
बैंच के समक्ष सुनवाई और उसके निर्णय पर निर्भर करेगा।