कोर्ट से राहत , पति पत्नी सरकारी शिक्षक
होने पर ट्रांसफर हेतु तीन साल की मिनिमम अवधि पूर्ण करने की बाध्यता से राहत व् विचार,पत्नी को पति की पोस्टिंग के समीपस्थ
स्थान पर ट्रांसफर हेतु सचिव को विचार करने का निर्देश
?Court No. - 7
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 51054 of 2016
Petitioner :- Amra Bano
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 3 Ors.
Counsel for Petitioner :- Jitendra Kumar Mishra
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Sanjay Kumar Singh,Shashi Kant Verma
Hon'ble Shri Narayan Shukla,J.
Heard Mr. Jitendra Kumar Mishra, learned counsel for the petitioner as well as Mr. Shashi Kant Verma, learned counsel for the respondent nos.1, 2 & 4 and Mr. Sanjay Kumar� Singh, learned counsel for the respondent no.3.
The petitioner being a Teacher in Primary School, Majhpurwa, Block Tal Gram, District-Kannauj has sought her transfer from District Kannauj to District Farrukhabad. The petitioner had joined the service in primary school on 16.03.2016, whereas the transfer policy does not permit inter-district transfer within three years of service, therefore, the petitioner's request of transfer from one district to another district being in violation of government transfer policy dated 23.06.2016 cannot be accepted.
At this stage, learned counsel for the petitioner has submitted a request to consider the petitioner's transfer, may be, within the district at nearest place of posting of her husband, who is posted as a teacher in district Farrukhabad. District Kannauj and district Farrukhabad both are adjoining districts.
I am of the view that such type of a request may be considered by the respondent no.1 i.e. Secretary, Basic Shiksha Parishad, Allahabad, therefore, it would be appropriate to dispose of the writ petition with direction to the respondent no.1 to consider the petitioner's claim and take decision within one month from the date of communication of this order.
The writ petition is, accordingly, disposed of finally.
Order Date :- 25.10.2016
Anupam S/-
(Shri Narayan Shukla,J.)
ख़बरें अब तक - 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों की भर्ती - Today's Headlines
- UPTET 2011 के माध्यम से हुई नियुक्ति खतरे में , NCTE शिक्षामित्रों के पक्ष में , समायोजन सुरक्षित
- सुप्रीम कोर्ट का फाइनल संभावित आर्डर : त्रिपुरा आर्डर की तरह खुली प्रतियोगिता संभावना 95%
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- UPTET : कोर्ट का आदेश 10 जून से 15 ज़ून के बीच आयेगा नहीं तो फिर 15 जुलाई का बाद
- आदेश रिजर्व होने के बाद यही सवाल , कि जजमेन्ट क्या होगा ? SC से हाई कोर्ट जैसा ऑर्डर नही होगा
?Court No. - 7
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 51054 of 2016
Petitioner :- Amra Bano
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 3 Ors.
Counsel for Petitioner :- Jitendra Kumar Mishra
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Sanjay Kumar Singh,Shashi Kant Verma
Hon'ble Shri Narayan Shukla,J.
Heard Mr. Jitendra Kumar Mishra, learned counsel for the petitioner as well as Mr. Shashi Kant Verma, learned counsel for the respondent nos.1, 2 & 4 and Mr. Sanjay Kumar� Singh, learned counsel for the respondent no.3.
The petitioner being a Teacher in Primary School, Majhpurwa, Block Tal Gram, District-Kannauj has sought her transfer from District Kannauj to District Farrukhabad. The petitioner had joined the service in primary school on 16.03.2016, whereas the transfer policy does not permit inter-district transfer within three years of service, therefore, the petitioner's request of transfer from one district to another district being in violation of government transfer policy dated 23.06.2016 cannot be accepted.
At this stage, learned counsel for the petitioner has submitted a request to consider the petitioner's transfer, may be, within the district at nearest place of posting of her husband, who is posted as a teacher in district Farrukhabad. District Kannauj and district Farrukhabad both are adjoining districts.
I am of the view that such type of a request may be considered by the respondent no.1 i.e. Secretary, Basic Shiksha Parishad, Allahabad, therefore, it would be appropriate to dispose of the writ petition with direction to the respondent no.1 to consider the petitioner's claim and take decision within one month from the date of communication of this order.
The writ petition is, accordingly, disposed of finally.
Order Date :- 25.10.2016
Anupam S/-
(Shri Narayan Shukla,J.)
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ख़बरें अब तक - 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों की भर्ती - Today's Headlines