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TET mot conducted in 2014,15 want relaxation from TET, Court said TET conducted in 2016 and therfore no direction can be issued in the matter of 3500 Urdu Teacher Appointment : 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों की भर्ती Latest News

Court No. - 7
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 2460 of 2016
Petitioner :- Mujammil And 3 Others
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 4 Others
Counsel for Petitioner :- Rakesh Kumar Gupta
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C., Shivam Yadav

Hon'ble Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel,J.
The petitioners are four in number. They are aggrieved by the advertisement dated 09th January, 2016 issued by the District Basic Education Officer, Bijnor, whereby applications have been invited for appointment of Assistant Teachers (Urdu).
The State Government vide Government Orders dated 05th January, 2016 and 08th January, 2016 has issued a direction to appoint 3500 Assistant Teachers (Urdu Language) in Primary Schools. In compliance thereof, on 09th January, 2016 the Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board, Allahabad has issued direction to all the District Basic Education Officers to comply the direction of the State Government by issuing advertisements in two widely circulated newspapers and one in vernacular by 10th January, 2016. It is stated that in compliance thereof, the District Basic Education Officer, Bijnor on 09th January, 2016 has issued an advertisement calling applications for appointment on the post of Assistant Teachers (Urdu). One of the essential qualifications for appointment is that the candidate must have cleared the Teachers' Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the Central or State agency.
The grievance of the petitioners is that after 2013 in the State no TET examination has been conducted, therefore, the petitioners are not eligible to fill up the application form.
Learned counsel for the petitioners has invited the attention of the Court to paragraph-4(iv) of the Government Order dated 24th December, 2014, which reads as under:
''iv. ijh{kk lkekU;r% o"kZ esa de ls de ,d ckj vk;ksftr dh tk;sxhA ijh{kk nks fnolksa esa izR;sd o"kZ tuojh&Qjojh ekg esa vk;ksftr gksxhA''
I have heard learned counsel for the petitioner and learned Standing Counsel.
Learned counsel for the petitioner submits that the Government Order dated 24th December, 2014, which provides guidelines in respect of holding of Uttar Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test, clearly mandate that every year the TET shall be held. It is stated that since 2013 said qualifying examination has not been held, therefore, the petitioners are ineligible and they cannot fill the form in pursuance of the aforesaid advertisement dated 09th January, 2016. No other submission has been made.
Sri A.K. Yadav, learned Standing Counsel, submits that in the year 2015 the TET has been conducted; the examination was held on 02nd February, 2016 and the result is likely to be declared shortly.
Having heard learned counsel for the parties, I am of the view that Paragraph 4(iv) of the said Government Order dated 24th December, 2014 has used the word "ordinarily". It is not mandatory that every year test should be held. The word "lkekU;r%" indicate the said intention of the Government.
As regards the grievance of the petitioners that no such test has been held since 2013, as noted above, in the year 2015 TET has been held and the result is to be declared shortly. Therefore, now the grievance of the petitioners that no examination has been held, stands satisfied. Accordingly, no direction can be issued. Hence, the writ petition is dismissed.
No order as to costs.
Order Date :- 23.2.2016

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