case regarding new vs old pension
?Court No. - 7
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 52512 of 2016
Petitioner :- Vivekanand
Respondent :- Union Of India And Anr.
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,A.S.G.I.
Hon'ble Shri Narayan Shukla,J.
Mr.Hirdya Narayan Mishra, learned Advocate has appeared for respondent No.1. Memo of appearance filed by him is taken on record.
Notice on behalf of respondent No.2 has been accepted by learned Chief Standing Counsel.
The petitioner has assailed the Notification dated 23 December 2003 as also the Notification dated 28 March 2005 issued by the Central Government as well as State Government respectively, on the ground that the policy framed by the respective governments in the matter of pension is discriminatory.� Thus he has claimed the violation of Article 14 to the Constitution of India.
The matter requires consideration.
Six weeks time as prayed for by learned counsel for the respondents is allowed to file counter affidavit.
List thereafter.
Order Date :- 4.11.2016
(Shri Narayan Shukla,J.)
ख़बरें अब तक - 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों की भर्ती - Today's Headlines
?Court No. - 7
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 52512 of 2016
Petitioner :- Vivekanand
Respondent :- Union Of India And Anr.
- 17 नवम्बर को तय होगा टेट 2011 का भविष्य: एक विश्लेषण
- शिक्षक स्थानांतरण प्रक्रिया शुरू करने की मांग, प्राथमिक शिक्षामित्र संघ की बैठक में जिले के अंदर शिक्षकों के स्थानांतरण की प्रक्रिया को शुरू करने की उठायी मांग
- शिक्षको की निम्नलिखित मांगो से अवगत कराकर शीघ्र निस्तारित करने की माँग: राष्ट्रीय शैक्षिक महासंघ उ0प्र0
- लखीमपुर खीरी में एक प्रधानाध्यापक सहित दो टीचर निलंबित
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,A.S.G.I.
Hon'ble Shri Narayan Shukla,J.
Mr.Hirdya Narayan Mishra, learned Advocate has appeared for respondent No.1. Memo of appearance filed by him is taken on record.
Notice on behalf of respondent No.2 has been accepted by learned Chief Standing Counsel.
The petitioner has assailed the Notification dated 23 December 2003 as also the Notification dated 28 March 2005 issued by the Central Government as well as State Government respectively, on the ground that the policy framed by the respective governments in the matter of pension is discriminatory.� Thus he has claimed the violation of Article 14 to the Constitution of India.
The matter requires consideration.
Six weeks time as prayed for by learned counsel for the respondents is allowed to file counter affidavit.
List thereafter.
Order Date :- 4.11.2016
(Shri Narayan Shukla,J.)
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- CISF द्वारा 441 कांस्टेबल और ड्राइवर पदों पर भर्ती, अंतिम तारीख 09 नवम्बर
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- बीएसए कार्यालय पर शिक्षकों का धरना रहा जारी, बीएसए द्वारा प्रमोशन में की जाने वाली धांधली के विरोध मे उत्तर प्रदेशीय प्राथमिक शिक्षक संघ
- नियुक्तियां अधूरी आदेश का इंतजार, जूनियर हाईस्कूलों में शिक्षकों की भर्ती पूरी होने का नाम नहीं ले रही
ख़बरें अब तक - 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों की भर्ती - Today's Headlines