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22 फरबरी की सुनवाई हेतु लगभग सभी तैयारियाँ पूर्ण : मयंक तिवारी

सुप्रीम कोर्ट में जूनियर भर्ती के सम्बन्ध में हुई 30जनवरी की सुनवाई के बाद घर आने पर पिछले कुछ दिनों से मैं अभी तक हुए सभी कोर्ट ऑर्डर्स, शासनादेशों, नियमावलियों, आदि का अध्ययन कर रहा था।
चूँकि 22 फरबरी को अपना केस पूरा दिन सुना जाना है तो सीनियर एडवोकेट्स को ब्रीफिंग भी अच्छी तरह से करनी होगी उसी तैयारी हेतु सभी आदेशों, शासनादेशों, नियमावलियों आदि को व्यवस्थित किया और ध्यान पूर्वक पड़ा तथा उन्हें क्रमबद्ध लिखकर एक शार्ट किन्तु पूर्ण ब्रीफ भी तैयार की है।
अध्ययन करते हुए एक आदेश दिखा जो आप सभी के समक्ष है.....
At this juncture, we must state that the advertisement was issued to fill up 72,825 vacancies in thepost of Assistant Teachers, who have to impart education tostudents of Classes I to V. We have been apprised by the learned counsel for the respondents that there are #three_lacs_posts_lying_vacant as on today. In this context, wemust recapitulate the objects and reasons from the Right ofChildren to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, which read as follows..
“The crucial role of universal elementary education for strengthening the social fabricof democracy through provision of equal opportunities to all has been accepted sinceinception of our Republic. The DirectivePrinciples of State Policy enumerated in our
Constitution lays down that the State shall
provide free and compulsory education to all
children up to the age of fourteen years. Over
the years there has been significant spatial
and numerical expansion of elementary schoolsin the country, yet the goal of universalelementary education continues to elude us.The number of children, particularly childrenfrom disadvantaged groups and weaker sections,who drop out of school before completingelementary education, remains very large.Moreover, the quality of learning achievementis not always entirely satisfactory even in thecase of children who complete elementaryeducation.
2. Article 21A, as inserted by theConstitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act,2002, provides for free and compulsoryeducation of all children in the age group ofsix to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right insuch manner as the State may, by law,determine.
3. Consequently, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Bill, 2008, is proposed to be enacted which seeks to provide,-
(a) that every child has a right to be provided
full time elementary education of satisfactory
and equitable quality in a formal school whichsatisfied certain essential norms and standards;
(b) 'compulsory education' casts an obligationon the appropriate Government to provide andensure admission, attendance and completion ofelementary education;
(c) 'free education' means that no child, other
than a child who has been admitted by his or her parents to a school which is not supportedby the appropriate Government, shall be liableto pay any kind of fee or charges or expenseswhich may prevent him or her from pursuing andcompleting elementary education;
(d) the duties and responsibilities of the
appropriate Governments, local authorities,
parents, schools and teachers in providing freeand compulsory education; and
(e) a system for protection of the right of
children and a decentralized grievance
redressal mechanism.
4. The proposed legislation is anchored in the
belief that the values of equality, social
justice and democracy and the creation of a
just and humane society can be achieved onlythrough provision of inclusive elementaryeducation to all. Provision of free andcompulsory education of satisfactory quality tochildren from disadvantaged and weaker sectionsis, therefore, not merely the responsibility ofschools run or supported by the appropriateGovernments, but also of schools which are notdependent on Government funds.”
इस आदेश की ओर अच्छी बात यहाँ से है....
Primary education can be equated to the primaryhealth of a child. When a child is educated, the Nationmarches towards civilization. No student can inculcate or cultivate education without guidance. Definitely not achild, who is supposed to get primary guidance from ateacher, for him he is like a laser beam. The State, as theguardian of all citizens and also with a further enhanced andaccentuated responsibilities for the children, has asacrosanct obligation to see that the children are educated.Almost two thousand years back, Kautaliya had stated that theparents who do not send their children to have the teachings,deserves to be punished. Similar was the climate in Englandalmost seven centuries back. Thus, the significance ofeducation can be well recognized. In such a situation, wecannot conceive that the posts would lie vacant, students gountaught and the schools look like barren in a desert waiting
for an oasis. The teacher shall serve the purpose of oasisin the field of education.
एक बार आप भी इसे ध्यान पूर्वक पड़े। यह 17 दिसम्बर2014 के आदेश का एक अंश है जब पहली बार माननीय न्यायधीश दीपक मिश्रा जी अपने केस से जुड़े थे और उन्होंने 25मार्च2014 के माननीय पूर्व मुख्य न्यायधीश एच एल दत्तू साहब के आदेश को मोडीफाई किया था किन्तु यह उनका स्वयं का व्यू है उनके स्वयं से मतलब माननीय न्यायपालिका का। पड़े और समझे न्यायपालिका बाल शिक्षा हेतु क्या चाहती है......????
दोस्तों, 22 फरबरी की सुनवाई हेतु हमने लगभग सभी तैयारियाँ पूर्ण कर ली है शेष अपने साथी लखनऊ में है जो भी सही जानकारी होगी आप सभी तक पहुँचा दी जायेगी। अनावश्यक परेशान होने की आवश्यकता नही है। एक बार पुनः कहता हूँ योग्यता/मानक पूरा करने वाले किसी भी साथी का अहित नही होगा शेष मानक/योग्यता ना पूरा करने वाले अपने हश्र के लिए तैयार रहें।
इन्ही शुभ कामनाओं के साथ
आपका मयंक तिवारी
बीएड/टेट उत्तीर्ण संघर्ष मोर्चा
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