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UPPSC 2016 - खंड शिक्षा अधिकारी (बीईओ) एबीएसए Recruitment भर्ती हेतु आवेदन खुले

Upcoming vacancy by UPPSC 2016
In state of uttar pradesh primary and Upper primary level education is managed by Block Education officer BEO. These khand shiksha adhikari will appoint on block level in BRC
(Block resource centre). BEO is responsible for execution of all government scheme Like fee, Dress, Mid day meal, Books, scholarship etc . Approximately more then 400-700 government school, private school, aided and Un aided Prathmik avam ucch Prathmik vidyalaya of bsic shiksha parishad works under the guidance of BEO or ABSA. previously it was also known as Deputy Sahb or SDI . posts of BEO filled by Uttar pradesh lok sewa ayog . every year UP public service commission published the recruitment notification for inviting online application form for Block education officer. Posts of BEO filled through preliminary examination, Mains and personal interview test. Uttar pradesh published service commission now going to publish official Notification for filling 229 posts. It’s expected that official notification will be filled in next months. Recently shiksha nideshalaya of Up collected the data regarding no of vacant posts of BEO in Uttar pradesh. . Sources are saying that Education directorate will send proposal of filling BEO posts to commission very soon.
Currently total 1031 post of BEO created for different block but only 802 posts of BEO now filled and working. 229 posts are still vacant. Last vacancy notification was publish in 2010. Important recruitment details of Basic education officer / block education officer BEO as are following
Posts name: Block Education officer BEO
Total no of vacancies: 229
Salary: Pay scale 9300-34800, Grade pay 4800
Eligibility criteria: Education qualification: post graduation degree and B.ed
Age Limit: minimum 21 year and maximum 40 year as on 1 July 2016
Selection procedure: selection of the eligible candidates will be based through the preliminary examination, mains examination followed by personal interview test. First of all pre exam will be held for scrutiny purpose for all candidates. All those candidates who will be declared qualified in the pre examination they will be call for mains examination. In the last all those candidates who will be declared qualified in mains exam they will be call for personal interview test. Final merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in mains and personal interview test.
Syllabus and Question paper pattern will be updated here very soon
How to apply: if you hold the all eligibility criteria for the posts of BEO they you can fill application form online at the official website of UPPSC. First of all candidates are required to do online registration. After completing the online registration candidates are required to pay application form fee through challan form or online. After paying application form fee candidates are required to revisit the official website of UPPSC Lok seva ayog and complete the application form via uploading your photo and signature.
You can fill application form at the official website of UPPSC which is
UPPSC Exam Calendar 2016 Dates Job Notification Recruitment Schedule
Application form fee : rs 115 for UR , OBC and rs 55 for SC, ST, rs 15 for Handicapped ,
You can pay application form fee via generating E challan form after completing part I registration. The E-Challan will be used to deposit the fee in any of the branches of State Bank of India or Punjab National Bank .
Important dates of BEO Upcoming Vacancy | Khand shiksha adhikari Bharti pariksha 2016
Notification of UP PSC BEO vacancy will be published on - mid of February
Online registration T will be started from: End of February
Last date of application form Last date of application form Submission is – End of march 2016
Exam date: Mid of April 2016

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