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UP TET 2015 की परीक्षा, सरकार को काउंटर दाखिल करने का आदेश : 72825 प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों की भर्ती Latest News

Court No. - 7
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 3966 of 2016
Petitioner :- Pravin Kumar Srivastava And 2 Others
Respondent :- State Of U.P. And 3 Others
Counsel for Petitioner :- Arvind Srivastava,Ashok Kumar Dubey
Counsel for Respondent :- C.S.C.,Bhanu Pratap Singh
Hon'ble Pradeep Kumar Singh Baghel,J.
Supplementary affidavit filed today is taken on record.
It is contended on behalf of the learned counsel for the petitioners that an advertisement was issued by the respondent no. 3 inviting applications for holding examination of (UP-TET) 2015. In the said advertisement, the respondents have diluted the qualification prescribed by the N.C.T.E. in its notification dated 29.07.2001.
It is further urged by the learned counsel for the petitioner that by enlarging the field of eligibility, the petitioners' claim for appointment on the post of Assistant Teacher is seriously prejudice.
Matter needs consideration.
Learned Standing Counsel appears for respondent nos. 1, 3 and 4 while Sri B.P. Singh has put in appearance on behalf of respondent no.2.
As prayed by them, six weeks time is granted to file counter affidavit. Rejoinder affidavit, if any, may be filed within a week thereafter.
List this case on 9.03.2016
Order Date :- 29.1.2016

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