Candidates who have till date given examinations offline need to get
themselves accustomed to the new online method which is turning out to
be the standard norm for taking examinations around the nation. There
are major nationwide examinations that are being conducted online. Lakhs
of people are sitting for online examinations in each of the exams.
Hence, it is important for the examinees to understand the online exam
method and pattern of it. Though there are offline exams still getting
conducted for many exams in India, online examination has certainly
turned out to be the future. In a country like India where computer
literacy is still not up to the mark, many candidates find it difficult
to cope with the newly launched online method of examination. Hence, it
is important to take them to a comfort level so that they don’t get the
additional fear while giving the examination.
SBI Clerk Exam 2014: Tips and Strategy
SBI PO Exam 2014: Time Management Tips
Important Steps to be followed in Online ExaminationIBPS CWE Clerk Examination: Selection Procedure
UPSC Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) Examination 2014 : Last Date 28/11/2014
Various Govt Jobs Opening National Dairy Research Institute : Last Date 08/12/2014
Some of the steps mentioned below can help the candidates learn the exact methods to get thorough with online examination. These steps could well help candidates to deal with less clutter while beginning their examination.
IBPS PO Exam 2014: Last Minute Tips
Pay Scale For Clerk In Bank
IBPS CWE Clerk Examination: Pay Scale
IBPS CWE Clerk Examination: Question Paper Analysis
Govt Jobs Tata Institute of Fundamental Research : Last Date 22/11/2014
Scientist Govt Jobs Wildlife Institute of India : Last Date 24/11/2014
Sarkari Jobs : 44 Various Vacancies NCSCM : Walk-in 25 and 28 / 11 / 2014
सरकारी नौकरी - Government of India Jobs Originally published for Submit & verify Email for Latest Free Jobs Alerts Subscribe
SBI Clerk Exam 2014: Tips and Strategy
SBI PO Exam 2014: Time Management Tips
Important Steps to be followed in Online ExaminationIBPS CWE Clerk Examination: Selection Procedure
UPSC Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) Examination 2014 : Last Date 28/11/2014
Various Govt Jobs Opening National Dairy Research Institute : Last Date 08/12/2014
Some of the steps mentioned below can help the candidates learn the exact methods to get thorough with online examination. These steps could well help candidates to deal with less clutter while beginning their examination.
- Get your User Id and Password first: Upon successful registration the candidate would be provided with a unique User ID and Password which would help them to log in to the screen of the computer they would be in, while giving the examination. They could get the user id and password at the examination center as well, which they need to use as their entry into the gateway.
IBPS PO Exam 2014: Last Minute Tips
Pay Scale For Clerk In Bank
IBPS CWE Clerk Examination: Pay Scale
IBPS CWE Clerk Examination: Question Paper Analysis
- Make yourself ready: Once you log in to a computer to start your examination you would get to a page where a button ‘I am ready to begin’ would appear. If you are ready for the examination you can click the button. Upon clicking it your stipulated time for the examination would start counting. Hence, make sure you are fully prepared, mentally and physically, for the examination so that you don’t lose a moment of your examination.
- Mark your answers: You need to mark your answers by mouse click for every question. There would be multiple choices for all the questions. You need to select the answer and mouse click on the box of the answer. Upon clicking the box you need to click ‘Save & Next’ button to move to the next question.
- Try to move sequentially: Previously the candidates could begin their examination from any of the paper starting from any of the question of their choice. But in the online examination pattern this might not be an intelligent thing to do. There is a certain time that gets lost while you travel from one question to the other and thus you might lose a considerable amount of time shifting. Thus it is advised to go sequentially and if someone thinks they can’t answer a question they can always leave it to come back later as it gets marked with a different color.
Govt Jobs Tata Institute of Fundamental Research : Last Date 22/11/2014
Scientist Govt Jobs Wildlife Institute of India : Last Date 24/11/2014
Sarkari Jobs : 44 Various Vacancies NCSCM : Walk-in 25 and 28 / 11 / 2014
- Asses your progress: On the right hand side of your screen there would be question numbers from the paper you are solving them. There would be some specific color around the question numbers so that you can know the status of the question paper while answering the other questions. If you left a question unanswered it would turn red while if you let a question go un-attempted it would remain white. Green and violet colors would appear respectively on answered and properly marked questions. Through the colors you can actually get to know the status of your paper and how much effort you have to put in to complete the paper on time.
- Click the Submit button at the end: You can end the examination only after the stipulated time ends. Thus if you are left with few minutes, try and utilize it by revising the whole paper so that you don’t accidently left any question that you have left to attempt later. Once you are done with the paper you need to click on the ‘submit’ button to finish your examination.
सरकारी नौकरी - Government of India Jobs Originally published for Submit & verify Email for Latest Free Jobs Alerts Subscribe
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