Pradesh Polytechnic Recruitment has been released on the official
website. The candidate can download the advertisement so that they can
apply for the recruitment post in UP Polytechnic Recruitment for the
post of Teacher, Peon, Clerk from the website which is www.uppsc.up.nic.in . The candidate can now visit the official website
for applying for the post .
- Name of the Recruitment - Uttar Pradesh Polytechnic Recruitment
- Name of the posts - Teacher, Peon Clerk
- Total Number of Vacancies - 1746
- Last date to apply - Please check the official website
- Place of Job - Uttar Pradesh
UP Polytechnic Teacher Recruitment 2015 Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification - The candidate should have done its 10+2 from the recognized university. The candidate also should have done its graduation.
Age limit - As per the official report age limitations has not
been updated officially . So candidate are advised to visit the official
website for getting more age details.
Salary Package - Will be updated soon
Selection Process - The selection of the applicant will be made on the marks obtained based on the interview and written test.
How to Apply- The applicant visit the official website which is
www.upsc.up.nic.in . Then find the link to apply online for the post the
Teacher , Peon, Clerk . The candidate had to fill the details in form
which is asked for. The candidate after filling all the details had to
submit the form .
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